This site,, is the home page of the school blog server. It’s kind of a “master page” or entry point to many of our school blogs for classes, teachers, students, library, etc.
To make it a little simpler to find your way around, take a look at the menu list on the right of this page called “To The Blogs”. There, you’ll find a list of links to some of the blogs that live deeper down inside this site. Click a link to get to a blog, and take a read. On some of the sites (such as the Year 6 page) you’ll find more links to all of the student blogs. As time goes on you’ll find more and more posts written here and we hope you take some time to read, engage and even leave us a few comments.
PS: Some of the Evandale blogs are not hosted here on Ludus, but on the externally hosted Posterous service. It’s been a great way to get those classes blogging, and no doubt some of them will move over to Ludus at some point in the future.